News & Advice

What are Building Brokers? What place do they have in the industry? And how can they help people looking to build homes or do a development? Over the past 11 years, these and many more are some of the questions that NHBB has been asked.

Seriously though, we are talking about real building brokers, not sales reps making websites or Facebook pages saying, “come and build with me”, or look “ I’ve built 500 homes for people” and asking you have you got land! That’s not independent, that’s a sales rep/home building consultant just selling the same project builders products plans and process.

A real building broker works independently away from any builder and should allow clients to have control of the copyright to the design of the home, as well as the process of building a home.

You can break this down into 3 basic stages the value a building broker gives.

 1)      The Knowledge:

The independent knowledge and advice we give our clients upfront is absolutely critical. Building may not be a fit for everyone, so understanding the following before you talk to a builder, will help you decide if it's right for you.  Shire & Town Planning Schemes, Subdivision costs, the real building process, feasibility studies, the independent consulting companies you may have to engage, the builder's capabilities, home designers ability to create quality designs/drawings with compliance, building contract details and ramifications, long term warranties, home indemnity insurance of each builder, and the list goes on. We have much more IP (intellectual property) we share with our clients however we can’t share this in our blogs! That’s our knowledge we give before we even talk about design.

 2)      Design:           

Our clients have many options and our market leading software helps them decide if they should go for a custom individual design or a builder’s standard plan. Our designers are independent and allow our clients to control the copyright. The designer must use the latest software that we recommend and have the ability to prove 3d renders and walk throughs. The cost checking process during design is one of the reasons our clients know at every stage if they are on target to hit budget. Our designs are clear, accurate, cost effective and market leading. It took 7 years to find the right designers for our clients, and we are so excited with what they are producing for us.

 3)      Building:                     

Knowing which builder to recommend to our clients is one of the most important things we do. The amount of R&D we do on each builder and how they trade and operate separates us from all competitors. NHBB has a very strong quality control process that is a non -negotiable for any builder. Regular meetings with builders, both onsite and one on one is very important. Complete transparency in the tender process is also important. If builders feel they don’t have that with a broker, the relationship is never good for all parties. Our proven track record of this for over 10 years now allows our clients to get the best out of the builders, in both price service and most importantly quality. Again, we have some very strong IP we use to make sure we stay on top of things and deliver on all outcomes for our clients.

 At NHBB our approach to building is very different. We have long standing relationships with our builders and suppliers; we don’t do “kick-backs” from anyone we recommend; we certainly don’t do land agent referral fees and we declare everything upfront like we are obligated to by law. If we feel for any reason that the process is not the best fit for you, we will walk away. That’s what real independent building brokers do and certainly what we do at New Home Building Brokers.

 Having over 100 real contactable clients who all say they used us and enjoyed the process clearly demonstrates that the New Home Building Brokers plays a strong part in the home building process.

Contact us for a free discovery meeting

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About the Author

Tristan Kirkham | Managing Director

Tristan has managed some of Australia’s major building companies, both project and private. His commitment to customer service and providing market leading communication product for the home building industry has led to a role as regular Judge in the HIA Green Smart, HIA Kitchen & Bathroom Awards and the major Housing Awards. Winning multiple awards throughout his career in the housing industry, he is dedicated to improving the industry standards and practices. Tristan's vision is to provide a better way to build homes for all parties.