News & Advice

HBB advises that when considering building a new double storey home in Perth, it’s important you consider how you go about creating it and controlling the copyright. Read more about how you control your copyright in this blog here.

With the latest changes to the residential R-Codes coming in July 2021, we are finding it even more important that people understand about controlling the copyright to the home design. From our independent experience, it’s the best way to create and build the perfect double storey home in Perth. See some of our recent luxury home designs here.

Many Perth home builders will design and draw a free design for a two-storey home or double storey home. Some may even charge you a fee, however you must make sure in writing that you control the copyright, and not the builder.

Our independent process allows you to control the copyright in building a new two storey home and puts you in a far greater position to select the best builder for you. This process creates an alternative approach, to just walking into a Perth display home and making changes to a home builder standard plan.

Understanding the increase in cost in a two-storey home is something we see our people not understand until after the design is already created.

Examples of different design configurations include:

  • Master Bedroom only upstairs and a sitting room
  • Kids bedrooms upstairs and master bedroom downstairs
  • All bedrooms upstairs
  • Upside down or reverse living designs

Each of these design configurations have a different cost attached to them and this is even before you add a balcony to the home design.

You will be able to create the perfect double storey home and select the best Perth home builder, if you have your home designed independently upfront before engaging a Perth home builder.

NHBB’s process is a market leading home building process and makes the custom home design process more cost effective.

The quality of the design and how it is drawn in ArchiCAD ( a 3D draughting and modelling program)  is also important. You can see from these examples that this level of design quality gives you a much better idea of the home and also allows the builders to give you a better price.

This is the minimum standard you should expect to see, in any new double storey home design in Perth.

NHBB’s independent home designers also have the ability to create a 3D animation, that gives you a visual perspective of how the design will look. We have examples of this on our social media pages Instagram and Facebook.

The best way to have the dream home you are wanting to build to be delivered to meet your expectations is to control the design and the copyright. This allows you to know the cost and quality you will get upfront.

So, if you want to know more about creating and building a new two storey home design, contact the team today.

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About the Author

Tristan Kirkham | Managing Director

Tristan has managed some of Australia’s major building companies, both project and private. His commitment to customer service and providing market leading communication product for the home building industry has led to a role as regular Judge in the HIA Green Smart, HIA Kitchen & Bathroom Awards and the major Housing Awards. Winning multiple awards throughout his career in the housing industry, he is dedicated to improving the industry standards and practices. Tristan's vision is to provide a better way to build homes for all parties.